Traveling Trunks

Take a journey back in time with your students and learn how people lived in early Phoenix. History and culture come to life through engagement with artifacts, analysis of primary sources, and experience with hands-on activities. Our trunks are great for school classrooms, homeschool groups, and even camps during school breaks!

Arizona’s Five Cs

This new traveling trunk, developed with a generous grant from Kinder Morgan, uses Arizona’s traditional 5 C’s—climate, cotton, citrus, cattle, and copper—to teach students about the development of the state.  The trunk comes with lesson plans, hands-on activities, primary source materials, and some genuine artifacts, including a branding iron and a miner’s lamp!

Each lesson plan is designed to meet State of Arizona Learning Standards for 3rd and 4th grade students.

Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you would like to check out our Arizona’s 5 Cs traveling trunk. Contact our staff at 602-388-8090 or through this form if you have questions about the trunks or any of our educational Museum Programs.

A Child’s Life in 1900

Can’t make it to the Rosson House Museum with your class or group? Our traveling trunk is a portable version of The Square PHX’s on-site field trip. The trunk includes 5 lesson plans and hands-on activities so that children can experience “A Child’s Life in 1900” and understand the dramatic changes in lifestyles over the past 100 years.

The lessons and hands-on activities include a primary source activity, analyzing an early map of Phoenix, doing laundry using washboards and clotheslines, writing on slate boards, and playing the historic game of Graces. Each lesson plan is designed to meet State of Arizona Learning Standards for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Follow this link for details on curriculum alignment.

Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you would like to check out our A Child’s Life in 1900 traveling trunk. Contact our staff at 602-388-8090 or through this form if you have questions about the trunks or any of our educational Museum Programs.