Museum Social Impact Study

Big news for the Square! We are excited to announce that our organization has been selected to participate in a national study by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) on the social impact of museums! Only 40 museums across 25 states were chosen, and we are proud to represent Arizona in this important research.

Participants have been selected, and the study period runs from March to the end of August. If you are a participant and have any questions, you can reach out to use at or at 602-388-8090.

Museum Social Impact Study: Participant FAQ

What programs can I attend for my three free visits? 

There are a variety of programs you can attend that count towards your participation in the study! You can click the link to see a full list.

Can I bring a guest with me?

Yes! You can bring one additional person with you on your study visits. If you want to bring more than one person, they will have to pay admission.

Can I reserve tickets for programs online?

Yes! You can reserve tickets online at All of the qualifying programs have a ticket option called “Museum Social Impact Study Participant.” Select that option and add it to the cart. You can add up to two tickets for you and a guest.

How do I check-in for a program?

Visit our Visitor Center and show your participant card or ID.

Will my parking be validated? 

All participants will receive a discounted validation for the Heritage Garage on 5th Street and Monroe.

If you come to the Square to do the Audio Tour when the museum is closed, your parking will not be validated. 

Do Happy Hour Tours count as one of my three visits?

No, Happy Hour Tours are excluded from the Museum Social Impact Study.

When do I have to have my three visits done by?

All three visits need to be completed by the end of August. If you fail to complete the three, then you are dropped from the study.

When will I complete the survey?

Participants will receive the survey at the end of August. Once finished, the study will be complete.